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Conscientization 101 Podcast Logo Conscientization 101 podcast is a production available for download and subscription in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Android. Episodes are available on Wednesdays. Our show features workers, writers, artists, publishers, and others who are involved in the process of conscientization.

Each episode provides information and radical analysis that attacks the roots of the oppressive structures we contend with on a daily basis. We place the issues of today within the context of the superstructure. This approach is paramount to developing a deeper understanding of society so limiting situations are brought into focus; which will create true resistance for the purpose of revolutionary transformation. We use music and sound effects to provide a sonically appealing experience to you, the listeners. The goal is to introduce concepts and ideas in an accessible format that will supplement the other aspects of the site (e.g., the Library & Music Videos) to ultimately aid in conscientization.

All of the interviews we conduct and feature on our podcast, are excerpts from our Unabridged Interviews collection, which are available in our Conscientization 101 Store.

Musical Commentaries

Question, what is better than a sagacious and trenchant analysis in written form? Answer, that same sagacious and trenchant analysis in a musical form. This is exactly what Conscientization 101’s Musical Commentaries are. Our Musical Commentaries are articles that we have written, and set to originally produced music. Our complete collection of Musical Commentaries is available in our Conscientization 101 Store.


This section of Conscientization 101 consists of articles, announcements, and other forms of information that are relevant for the fortification of your praxis.


The videos featured on Conscientization 101 were meticulously chosen to solidify the process of conscientization. Check them out today!


The library includes books the editors have read and recommend as fundamental to your conscientization.[1] Note: Books in our library section are not sold by Conscientization 101. They are hyperlinked to Amazon via our affiliate link or directly to the publisher for direct purchase by those parties. These books bring many of the ideas and concepts put forth in our podcasts, articles, and videos into proper context.

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1 Note: Books in our library section are not sold by Conscientization 101. They are hyperlinked to Amazon via our affiliate link or directly to the publisher for direct purchase by those parties.