Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web-based technology used to update a website’s content. RSS feeds can be subscribed to using “RSS Software” which can be installed in the subscriber’s/user’s electronic device. This enables the users to obtain content and updates thereof without actually loading the website on the user’s device. For more detail on how RSS works, check out the following video.
While subscribing to the RSS feed(s) will provide updates to all our latest content, for Podcast episodes, you will need to subscribe to either of our various podcast distributors to receive each episode directly to your electronic device. We use third-party podcast distributors such as iTunes, Spotify, and Android etcetera whereby you can subscribe directly from our site below, under our “Subscribe To Podcast” widget, or on the Podcast player within each Podcast post.
Below you can find the feeds that exist.
- All Content:
- 4-1-1:
- Library:
- Videos