From Columbus to Castro by Eric Williams, is a definitive work about a profoundly important but neglected and misrepresented area of the world. Quite simply it’s about millions of people scattered across an arc of... Read more »
Abdias Do Nascimento and Elisa Larkin Nascimento’s Africans in Brazil: A Pan-African Perspective is a penetrating and dauntless work that correctly highlights the African experience in “Latin” American societies, as well as... Read more »
In Caribbean History: From Pre-colonial Origins to the Present, Dr. Tony Martin has attempted to overhaul, as it were, the approach to a survey of Caribbean history. Dr. Martin reframes the way in... Read more »
Nate Parker’s movie The Birth of a Nation has revived the question: What caused Nat Turner’s 1831 uprising? Turner, first of all, was not a deranged misfit who acted outside of a... Read more »
In Part two of our talk with Big Frizzle, we discuss the impetus and objectives of specific tracks on his album Family First, Africa 4 Africans Edition. Read more »
What's up everyone, we're back! For our relaunch we are happy to present our dialogue with Big Frizzle! Big Frizzle is a multi-talented lyricists, singer, writer, and student/teacher of African history and... Read more »
The Ruins of Empires – an epic poem. A story that follows the “Knowledge Seeker” through the course of human history, via astral travel and multiple reincarnations, in an attempt to discover... Read more »
Testifying that the foundation of modern Western thought, theory, and practice can be traced back to ancient African thought, theory, and practice, Intellectual Warfare exposes the African influence on Greek and Roman... Read more »
Through the lens of Black psychology, this book is a radical blending of African centered historiography with an innovative analysis of the role of consciousness formation and identity fragmentation as the unfinished... Read more »
Our Way, The Way! Ogoun’s Theme!