Ready for Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) by Kwame Ture

C-101 instructs you to ignore the Amazon blurb for this book. If you know anything about Kwame Ture, it would be clear that he would never accept the description of being a... Read more »

The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History: Volume 1: Projectiles for the People by J. Smith and André Moncourt

The first in a two-volume series, as part of a co-publishing project between PM Press and Kersplebedeb, is by far the most in-depth political history of the Red Army Faction ever made... Read more »

Down with Colonialism! by Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the Vietminh and President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, having defeated Japanese, French, and U. S. colonialism, was the leading figure in fighting for Vietnamese... Read more »

Meditations on Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth by James Yaki Sayles

The terms and concepts Franz Fanon uses in The Wretched of the Earth are often uncommon and underutilized in everyday organizing. As a result, many people have difficulty fully understanding his analysis... Read more »

Venezuela Speaks!: Voices from the Grassroots by Carlos Martinez, Michael Fox, & JoJo Farrell

A collection of interviews with activists and other contributors, this compelling oral history details Venezuela’s bloodless uprising and reorganization. For the last decade, Venezuela’s “Bolivarian Revolution” has captured international attention. Poverty, inequality,... Read more »

Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography by Fidel Castro & Ignacio Ramonet

Numerous attempts have been made to get Fidel Castro to tell his own story. But it was only as he stepped down after five decades in power, that the Cuban leader finally... Read more »

Changing Venezuela by Taking Power: The History and Policies of the Chavez Government by Gregory Wilpert

Since coming to power in 1998, the Chavez government has inspired both fierce internal debate and horror amongst Western governments accustomed to counting on an obeisant regime in the oil-rich state. In... Read more »

Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson by George Jackson

This books is a must read and there is no blurb which can describe George Jackson’s prison writings. We instruct each of you to ignore the illogical and mediocre write ups that... Read more »

Blood in My Eye by George L. Jackson

Blood in My Eye is a political treatise from George Jackson which covers a wide range of topics from colonialism, capitalism, the irrelevancy of third party politics, fascism, revolution, the prison industrial... Read more »

Capital: Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx

Capital was the product of thirty years close study of the capitalist mode of production. England is used as the subjective case study to prove objectively that capitalism is not a sustainable... Read more »