As of January 3, 2025, we found out that The House of Knowledge website is no longer active, making Chinweizu’s writings unavailable. Having the foresight that this might happen, we took it upon ourselves in 2015, to download all of the articles and complied them into one document. We called this document The Chinweizu Reader, and made it available exclusively for those who subscribed to our newsletter. In light of the current circumstances, we now make this document available for all. Click here to download The Chinweizu Reader!
We wanted to share a series of writings by the renowned Chinweizu Ibekwe, that we downloaded from The House of Knowledge; because many of Chinweizu’s published work is hard to find or out of print. In these writings Chinweizu highlights the process of forced “Arabization” and anti-African genocide that has been taking place across Northern Africa for thousands of years. He also questions “Continentalist pan-Africanism” by most African pan-Africanists given the racialized assault by Arabs and Arabized Africans and suggests that Black Power pan-Africanism (BPPA) is a more rational concept for African (Black) people to organize around.