Ten Step Guide to Being a Black Leader in Amerikkka for White Folk Part 1 of 2

Conscientization 101- 10 Step Guide to Being a Leader in Amerikkka for white folk pt1
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama. Some people may see this as a disrespectful representation of Barack Obama, but what this demonstrates is his unconditional service to his white paymasters. They’re just having a little fun!

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The following commentary is a satirical piece inspired by Ayi Kwei Armah’s book KMT: In The House of Life. Ever wonder how to be a Black leader in Amerikkka? Do long to be in the news discussing the “issues of our time” with mainstream pundits? Do you ever wonder how these Black leaders manage to get more money and notoriety while the conditions of most Black people get considerably worse!? Wonder no longer….check out this 10-step guide! This commentary was inspired by Ayi Kwei Armah’s book KMT: In The House of Life.

Length: 00:08:50  Size: 17.5 MB

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