Thomas Sankara Speaks: The Burkina Faso Revolution 1983–87 by Thomas Sankara

Under Thomas Sankara’s leadership, the revolutionary government of Burkina Faso in West Africa set an electrifying example. Peasants, workers, women, and youth mobilized to carry out literacy and immunization drives; to sink... Read more »

February 1965: The Final Speeches (Malcolm X speeches & writings) by Malcolm X

This book is a must to understand Malcolm X and his political objectives. In Malcolm X’s own words, the last two weeks of his life, this book proves to be insightful, most... Read more »

Africans at the Crossroads: African World Revolution by John Henrik Clarke

In this collection of writings by John Henrik Clarke, is an extensive and potent analysis of the necessity for African people to have power in the world. He contextualizes historical and current... Read more »

Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur

Black Panther Assata Shakur (aka JoAnne Chesimard) lay in a hospital, close to death, handcuffed to her bed, while local, state, and federal police attempted to question her about the shootout on... Read more »

Black Power: The Politics of Liberation by Kwame Ture & Charles V. Hamilton

This book represents the authors initial analysis of the struggle for Africans in the United States. It discusses using tactics of radical reform such as community control over various institutions, self-sufficiency, and... Read more »

Catching Hell In The City Of Angels: Life And Meanings Of Blackness In South Central Los Angeles by João H. Costa Vargas

Since the 1980s, Los Angeles has become the most racially and economically divided city in the United States. In the poorest parts of South Central Los Angeles, buildings in disrepair—the legacy of... Read more »

Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson by George Jackson

This books is a must read and there is no blurb which can describe George Jackson’s prison writings. We instruct each of you to ignore the illogical and mediocre write ups that... Read more »

The End of White World Supremacy: Four Speeches by Malcolm X

Here in his own words are the revolutionary ideas that made Malcolm X one of the most charismatic and influential African leaders in history. They are the thoughts of a determined African... Read more »

Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements by Malcolm X

These are the major speeches made by Malcolm X during the last eight months of his life. While the white ruling class and the petty bourgeois African classes frame Malcolm X’s political... Read more »

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley by Malcolm X

This is the book that started our conscientization. The title is self explanatory. If you haven’t read this yet, then now is the time! Read more »