African/Black Psychology in the American Context: An-African-Centered Approach by Kobi K. K. Kambon

Kobi K.K. Kambon’s African/Black Psychology in the American Context: An African Centered Approach is an essential read for African people worldwide. He purposely uses the term “African/Black” throughout the book to psychologically... Read more »

Intellectual Warfare by Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers

Testifying that the foundation of modern Western thought, theory, and practice can be traced back to ancient African thought, theory, and practice, Intellectual Warfare exposes the African influence on Greek and Roman... Read more »

Remembering the Dismembered Continent by Ayi Kwei Armah

1885, Berlin: European and American globalizers set up colonies that impoverished Africans by exporting raw resources to fuel European and American prosperity. 1960s: “Independent” Africa’s rulers, far from uniting Africa to create... Read more »

Black Africa: The Economic and Cultural Basis for a Federated State by Cheikh Anta Diop

The late Cheikh Anta Diop presents a blueprint for the creation of a unified Black African state. Diop explains why attempts at economic development and cooperation cannot succeed apart from the political... Read more »

This Is Black History feat. Jody McIntyre, Logic, Big Ben, Jaja Soze, Big Cakes, Genesis Elijah, MC D, Cerose, Big Frizzle, Wordplay, Haze, USG, Rodney P, & Akala

This is a track that needs to be on constant loop! [bandcamp track=3054877475 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=5D9D3D size=venti] Read more »