EP.036: Del Jones On Understanding Our Rich Cultural Heritage…Part 2

Conscientization 101 Podcast EP.036-Del Jones Our Understanding Our Rich Cultural Heritage Pt2
Del Jones “The War Correspondent” AKA Nana Kuntu (1946 – 2006)

We conclude our digitally re-mastered two part series from Brother Del Jones entitled Understanding Our Rich Cultural Heritage & Strengthening It For The Revolution, that took place circa late 1996 or early 1997 at the cultural institution known as African Echoes in New Jersey.

In conclusion, Brother Del Jones discusses:

  • A critique of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)
  • Why revolutionary culture must be consciously designed
  • Importance of building our own media, and other institutions collectively
  • The importance of a Black/African social theory
  • Neocolonialism,

and much more!

This episode features sounds from:


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