Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography by Fidel Castro & Ignacio Ramonet

Numerous attempts have been made to get Fidel Castro to tell his own story. But it was only as he stepped down after five decades in power, that the Cuban leader finally... Read more »

The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution by C.L.R. James

This book is an account of the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1803, a revolution that began in the wake of the Bastille and became the model for the anti-colonial movements from Africa to... Read more »

Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements by Malcolm X

These are the major speeches made by Malcolm X during the last eight months of his life. While the white ruling class and the petty bourgeois African classes frame Malcolm X’s political... Read more »

The Irritated Genie by Jacob H. Carruthers

The Haitian Revolution is one of the most important revolutions in the history of the world, if not, the most significant revolution in the Western hemisphere. However, since this was a revolution... Read more »

The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon

The Wretched of the Earth concerns the psychology of the colonized and the path to liberation. This book is one of the foundational works which led to the development of Conscientization Read more »

A Dying Colonialism by Frantz Fanon

A Dying Colonialism is an incisive account of how oppressed nationalities can use cultural practices derided by colonialist as primitive to advance revolutionary ideology and action. Fanon uses the fifth year of... Read more »

Toward the African Revolution by Frantz Fanon

Toward the African Revolution is a collection of articles, essays, and letters which enumerates all the concessions the ruling class will give you to maintain control. It represents a warning which predicted... Read more »

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley by Malcolm X

This is the book that started our conscientization. The title is self explanatory. If you haven’t read this yet, then now is the time! Read more »

Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution by Helen Yaffe

In Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution, Helen Yaffe uses archival research and interviews with Che Guevara’s contemporaries and colleagues. This book records Guevara’s contribution to industrial organization, economic management, and socialist... Read more »