Nationbuilding: Theory and Practice in Afrikan Centered Education 2nd ed. by Kwame Agyei Akoto

Kwame Agyei Akoto defines nationbuilding as “the conscious and focused application of our people’s collective resources, energies, and knowledge to the task of liberating and developing the psychic and physical space that... Read more »

The Way of Companions Myth, History, Philosophy and Literature: The African Record by Ayi Kwei Armah

In Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Way of Companions Myth, History, Philosophy, and Literature: The African Record takes you out of Plato’s cave and into a sovereign egalitarian African future. This book is... Read more »

Eyes to My Soul: The Rise or Decline of a Black FBI Agent by Tyrone Powers

We first saw Tyrone Powers in a video where he was sharing a stage with our late brother Del Jones in the 90s. In the video the attendees were evaluating ways African... Read more »

Notes Toward Higher Ideals in Afrikan Intellectual Liberation by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti

In two in-depth essays, Mwalimu Baruti discusses the problems and solutions to the issues of Afrikan thinkers being validated by Europeans and european institutions and the politics of liberation as practiced by... Read more »
Conscientization 101 Podcast Ep.032 - Dr. Bobby E. Wright Pt 2 Featured

EP.032: Dr. Bobby E. Wright, The Man and His Mission Part 2

We conclude our digitally re-mastered two part series featuring our beloved brother Dr. Bobby E. Wright, at the Black Psychology and Mental Health Conference, at Atlanta Junior college on April 10, 1980. Read more »

African/Black Psychology in the American Context: An-African-Centered Approach by Kobi K. K. Kambon

Kobi K.K. Kambon’s African/Black Psychology in the American Context: An African Centered Approach is an essential read for African people worldwide. He purposely uses the term “African/Black” throughout the book to psychologically... Read more »

John Henrik Clarke and the Power of Africana History: Africalogical Quest for Decolonization and Sovereignty by Ahati N.N. Toure

In the late 1960s through the late 1980s, the late John Henrik Clarke (1915-1998) was one of the foremost architects of the emerging discipline of Africana Studies/Africalogy as Professor of African World... Read more »

EP.021: Big Frizzle Family First, Africa 4 Africans Edition! Part 1

What's up everyone, we're back! For our relaunch we are happy to present our dialogue with Big Frizzle! Big Frizzle is a multi-talented lyricists, singer, writer, and student/teacher of African history and... Read more »

Intellectual Warfare by Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers

Testifying that the foundation of modern Western thought, theory, and practice can be traced back to ancient African thought, theory, and practice, Intellectual Warfare exposes the African influence on Greek and Roman... Read more »

The Sovereign Psyche: Systems of Chattel Freedom vs. Self-Authentic Freedom by Ezrah Aharone

As the first Black president exits office, rather than America being “post-racial,” Black people must walk around like the 1960s with signs blaring: “Black Lives Matter.” In addition, the late Supreme Court... Read more »