Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution, 1900-1982 by Allen & Barbara Isaacman

Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution is an excellent document that summarizes the struggle of Africans in Mozambique against Portuguese colonialism. From a brief history of precolonial life in Mozambique, the coming of... Read more »
Conscientization 101 Podcast Ep.035-Del Jones Pt 1

EP.035: Del Jones On Understanding Our Rich Cultural Heritage…Part 1

Del Jones aka Nana Kuntu was one of the fiercest and vigilant Africans that walked the earth. In a sea of anti-African madness, Brother Del Jones did the libratory analysis that needed... Read more »
Conscientization 101 Podcast Ep.028 Dr. Amos N. Wilson Beyond Civil Rights PT2-

EP.028: Dr. Amos N. Wilson Beyond White Racism, Civil Rights…Part 2

We conclude our featured lecture by Dr. Amos Wilson entitled Beyond White Racism, Civil Rights, and Onward to African Revolution, which we digitally remastered. Read more »
Conscientization 101 Podcast Ep.027 Dr. Amos N. Wilson Beyond Civil Rights PT1

EP.027: Dr. Amos N. Wilson Beyond White Racism, Civil Rights…Part 1

On this episode of the Conscientization 101 podcast we feature Part 1 of a 2 part lecture by Dr. Amos Wilson entitled Beyond White Racism, Civil Rights, and Onward to African Revolution,... Read more »

The Island of Memes: Haiti’s Unfinished Revolution by Dr. Wade Nobles

Through the lens of Black psychology, this book is a radical blending of African centered historiography with an innovative analysis of the role of consciousness formation and identity fragmentation as the unfinished... Read more »

EP.015: Black Laws, Black Land for Black People: All Black Everything with Dr. João Costa Vargas

On this episode we feature excerpts from an interview we did with Dr. João Costa Vargas in Austin, Texas at the University of Texas - Austin. Read more »

Yurugu: An Afrikan-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior by Dr. Marimba Ani

Yurugu removes the mask from the European facade and thereby reveals the inner workings of global white supremacy: A system which functions to guarantee the control of Europe and her descendants (the... Read more »

African History in the Service of the Black Liberation by Dr. Walter Anthony Rodney

In this paper Dr. Walter A. Rodney (W.A.R.) is breaking down how African history can be used as a tool for Black liberation. As Brother Rodney points out... Read more »

Barrel of a Pen: Resistance to Repression in Neo-colonial Kenya by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

Barrel of a Pen is a collection of essays that vigorously responds to the atmosphere of repression and domination in Kenya. Ngũgĩ argues that the defense of national culture and national identity... Read more »

Defying the Tomb: Selected Prison Writings and Art of Kevin “Rashid” Johnson featuring exchanges with an Outlaw by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

Defying the Tomb is a text that defiantly lays to rest the hackneyed bourgeois stance of “we don’t have time to intellectualize, let’s go out there and do something.” No! No! No!... Read more »