EP.054 Raggo Zulu Rebel Emeritus: The Eloquence of a Scribe Part 1

Emeritus is an appellation bestowed upon a person who has personified excellence in their respective profession, (usually a former holder of an office, especially a college professor) having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honor. On this 54th episode of Conscientization 101 podcast, we present part one of a two-part dialogue with Raggo Zulu Rebel to discuss his retirement from his over two decades musical career, and why he is deserving of the designation of emeritus.

It has been an honor to be privy to the eloquence of this scribe, our dear brother, Raggo Zulu Rebel.

In part one of this trenchant, evocative, and sapient series we discuss the following:

  • The thin line the music industry creates between commodifying music and true cultural expression
  • Bourgeois privilege given to artists
  • African-centered dilettantes/opportunists vs. growing into a real understanding of building an African-centered, working-class political economy, and much more!

This episode features music from:

Raggo Zulu Rebel social media and affiliated websites:

Books referenced in this episode include:

The Podcast Was Just A Snippet Of  The Interview. Want To Listen To The Unabridged Interview? Click Here!

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